Ranked No. 42 nationally and No. 39 for veterans by U.S. News

Wednesday, February 7, 2024
paul college online MBA looking at coursework on his laptop

The University of New Hampshire has been ranked No. 42 among the 2024 Best Online MBA programs by U.S. News & World Report.

The UNH Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics program tied as the fourth highest-ranked Online MBA in New England and is top ranked in New Hampshire. 该项目在2017年排名第一,自那以后上升了36位.

UNH Paul also ranked No. 39 for Best Online MBA for Veterans. The university participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program, 有资格享受《永利app新版本官网地址》100%福利水平的学生可以享受哪些福利. 共有23名退伍军人和现役军人参加了UNH在线MBA课程.

“This ranking, based on qualitative and quantitative measures, 在竞争激烈的领域中展示了我们MBA课程的实力和卓越,” said Lucy Gilson, UNH Paul College dean. “我们的在线课程为来自新罕布什尔州及其他地区的工作专业人士提供了获得高级学位的机会,以促进他们的职业发展,并与UNH的战略重点保持一致,即通过高技能专业人员支持该州的经济。.”

参加UNH保罗学院在线MBA课程的学生可以选择通过异步教学课程在线完成整个学位课程, as well as taking some courses in hybrid format, 将在线学习与密集的校园体验相结合, N.H. 在线学生与在校学生有着相似的经历, including learning with the same accomplished faculty, and receiving comparable academic and career supports.

“UNH保罗学院之所以在我的名单上名列前茅,是因为它专注于通过在线课程提供与顶级商学院相同的好处. I also liked how UNH Paul College offered a hybrid option. It's great to be able to attend classes in person,” said Joseph Wildey, 在线MBA学生和营销总监在RSG -资源系统集团, Inc. “课程并不是在线课程所独有的,但它适应了在线学习的需求. In the end, 你可以肯定,你所获得的学位与那些能够注册为全日制学生并亲自参加的人一样重要.”

保罗商学院的学生可以攻读普通MBA,也可以专攻以下六个领域之一:金融, information systems and business analytics, marketing, global business, growth and innovation, or healthcare industry.

“我们的项目允许学生从拥有最高认证的全国知名商学院获得MBA学位, AACSB accreditation,” said Victoria Parker, associate dean for graduate education and faculty administration. “Small class sizes, a hallmark of our program, help foster interaction among and between students and faculty.”

U.S. News对在线MBA课程进行排名的依据是影响课程质量的五个方面的信息. 这些类别包括学生与教师和同学互动的能力, the academic strength of the student body and graduation rate, the program’s reputation among leaders of peer programs, faculty credentials and training, and student services and technology.

Jeremy Gasowski | UNH Marketing | jeremy.gasowski@yongyan.net | 603-862-4465